Welcome to hpfeeds ================== hpfeeds is a lightweight authenticated publish-subscribe protocol that supports arbitrary binary payloads. It is designed to be simple to implement and thus programming language agnostic. hpfeed3 is a library containing python 2 +3 implementations, as well as asyncio and Twisted implementations. It also contains a modern asyncio powered broker with integrated Prometheus monitoring. Running a broker ---------------- Every deployment of hpfeeds needs at least one broker. All messages are published to the broker and it passes it to the relevant subscribers. * :doc:`broker` You may also be interested in Tentacool, a C++ implementation of a hpfeeds broker. Command line client ------------------- We ship with a simple command line that can subscribe to a broker or publish it. See :doc:`command line reference `. Implementor guidelines ---------------------- If you are adding hpfeeds to a project we've collected together a few tips :doc:`here `. Client reference ---------------- If you want to use hpfeeds with Python then see our :doc:`client reference guides `. Source code ----------- The project is hosted on `GitHub `_. Please feel free to file an issue on the `bug tracker `_ if you have found a bug or have some suggestion in order to improve the library. The library uses `Travis `_ for Continuous Integration. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`