.. _hpfeeds-asyncio-client-reference: Client Reference ================ .. module:: hpfeeds.asyncio .. currentmodule:: hpfeeds.asyncio Client Session -------------- Client session is the recommended interface for subscribing and publish to a hpfeeds broker with asyncio. .. class:: ClientSession(host, port, ident, secret) The class for creating client sessions and publish/subscribing. Instances of this class will automatically maintain a connection to the broker and try to reconnect if that connection fails. :param str host: The broker to connect to :param str port: The port to connect to :param str ident: The identity to authenticate with :param str secret: The secret to authenticate with .. comethod:: read() Returns a message received by the broker. It's future will not fire until a message is available. .. method:: publish(channel, payload) :param str channel: The channel to post the payload to. :param bytes payload: The data to publish to the broker. Send the given payload to the given channel. .. method:: subscribe(channel) :param str channel: The channel to subscribe to. Subscribe to the named channel. .. method:: unsubscribe(channel) :param str channel: The channel to subscribe to. Unsubscribe from the named channel.